Welcome to Shirley Leckman's Home Page

Shirley Leckman is the write-in candidate for Port Commissioner.
We will be posting her brochure information before Saturday, October 21.
Thanks for visiting. And remember to vote on Tuesday, November 7.

Shirley Leckman

Shirley Leckman for Port Commissioner
PO Box 28958
Bellingham, WA 98228

Phone: (360) 738-3485
Fax: (360) 738-3485
Email: leckman@nwhouse.com

You can write Shirley by sending her an electronic mail message. Ask her a question on a Port issue. Or write her your opinion on an issue. Inform her of something you think she should know. Just click on her email address, leckman@nwhouse.com, to open the mailing form.

This page updated October 15, 1995
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