You haven’t voted yet? Check out this idea for one of your votes.

You haven’t voted yet? Check out this idea for one of your votes.

Why a vote for Jason Call for Congress is a good vote for conservatives, liberals, Democrats and Republicans. Yes, an unusual idea.

If you have not yet marked your ballot for this Primary Election, there is an interesting vote option for you to consider. Many of us, liberals and conservatives, wish we could replace our Second District U.S. Congressional Representative, Rick Larsen. He is the perfect example of a suit - one who looks the part, but does not do the job.  

Most Democrats I know wish they could replace Larsen with a more progressive and socially aware representative. Most Republicans know the Second Congressional District was adjusted long ago to guarantee Democratic Party control. 

Here is a safe vote that has no risk for Democrats or Republicans: vote for Jason Call, the Green Party candidate. Normally, Larsen’s November election opponent is a Republican, and most voters don’t pay attention to either Larsen’s campaign or the Republican campaign - because we know Republican’s don’t care about what Democrats care about. So in each election for the past 20 years, the Larsen campaign has been well funded and was no contest.  

BUT - a liberal candidate in the final two with Larsen could allow much sharper criticism of Larsen that would expose his true colors: enabling Boeing to avoid FAA inspections, strongly supporting the military industrial complex and subsidizing any wars possible, paying only lip service to environmental and social concerns of the liberals in his district.  

HOWEVER - an opponent from the Democratic Party would be severely restricted by the party bosses from hitting Larsen with hard questions or criticism. They are merely testing their skills for other elections, not to unseat Larsen.  

SO - what can we do? Vote for Jason Call, the Green Party candidate. This is his third run against Larsen. Call is, and has been, very critical of Larsen - this year and in the previous two elections. If Jason Call gets enough votes to come in second - by beating the front running Republican - it will give him a great soap box for three months to take Larsen to task.  

Could Call upset Larsen and win? Possibly, but not probably. What he could do is inform the voters of the Second District of Larsen’s true nature: that he’s a captive of big industry, big military contractors, and special PACS that fund their friends.  

Rick Larsen is not representative of either liberals or conservatives of the Second District.

So, I voted today for Jason Call.  I wish I had written this earlier, but now is better than not doing it.  I hope we give Jason Call the chance to show us voters why Rick Larsen should be replaced.  

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You haven’t voted yet? Check out this idea for one of your votes.

You haven’t voted yet? Check out this idea for one of your votes.

Why a vote for Jason Call for Congress is a good vote for conservatives, liberals, Democrats and Republicans. Yes, an unusual idea.

If you have not yet marked your ballot for this Primary Election, there is an interesting vote option for you to consider. Many of us, liberals and conservatives, wish we could replace our Second District U.S. Congressional Representative, Rick Larsen. He is the perfect example of a suit - one who looks the part, but does not do the job.  

Most Democrats I know wish they could replace Larsen with a more progressive and socially aware representative. Most Republicans know the Second Congressional District was adjusted long ago to guarantee Democratic Party control. 

Here is a safe vote that has no risk for Democrats or Republicans: vote for Jason Call, the Green Party candidate. Normally, Larsen’s November election opponent is a Republican, and most voters don’t pay attention to either Larsen’s campaign or the Republican campaign - because we know Republican’s don’t care about what Democrats care about. So in each election for the past 20 years, the Larsen campaign has been well funded and was no contest.  

BUT - a liberal candidate in the final two with Larsen could allow much sharper criticism of Larsen that would expose his true colors: enabling Boeing to avoid FAA inspections, strongly supporting the military industrial complex and subsidizing any wars possible, paying only lip service to environmental and social concerns of the liberals in his district.  

HOWEVER - an opponent from the Democratic Party would be severely restricted by the party bosses from hitting Larsen with hard questions or criticism. They are merely testing their skills for other elections, not to unseat Larsen.  

SO - what can we do? Vote for Jason Call, the Green Party candidate. This is his third run against Larsen. Call is, and has been, very critical of Larsen - this year and in the previous two elections. If Jason Call gets enough votes to come in second - by beating the front running Republican - it will give him a great soap box for three months to take Larsen to task.  

Could Call upset Larsen and win? Possibly, but not probably. What he could do is inform the voters of the Second District of Larsen’s true nature: that he’s a captive of big industry, big military contractors, and special PACS that fund their friends.  

Rick Larsen is not representative of either liberals or conservatives of the Second District.

So, I voted today for Jason Call.  I wish I had written this earlier, but now is better than not doing it.  I hope we give Jason Call the chance to show us voters why Rick Larsen should be replaced.  

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