Watchers watching the watchers
Watchers watching the watchers
The following is from an email I received from Takhoman, the Internet news in Tacoma who first broke the story of their police chief Brame when the regular media would not touch it. Takhoman is reliab
The following is from an email I received from Takhoman, the Internet news in Tacoma who first broke the story of their police chief Brame when the regular media would not touch it. Takhoman is reliable. And I bet you know nothing of the detention facility being built in our state. This is also the business of us in Bellingham. This story refers to his experience this past week. - John Servais
Watchers watching the watchers
The following is an internet post from Tim Smith, Chair of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee of Tacoma. Smith and members of his committee have been outspoken vocal opponents of the soon to be opened federal Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facility on Tacoma's tide flats. The camp, which is scheduled to be populated on April 23, will be operated by Correctional Services Corp. of Florida.
The current struggle with the Northwest Detention Center (Camp Tacoma) is moving to yet another level. We are in contact with the Mexican Consulate in Seattle, The Russian and Ukrainian Embassies in Washington DC and a few other missions from Central Europe and the Pacific-Asian Community. No where in the world other than Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea and China (PRC) would a modern, civilized country place any human being in a prison on a toxic waste site.
Yesterday I left the camp after having watched the guards do lunch. I was also taking a close look at the big piles of dirt behind the building.
On a wonderfully sunny Tacoma day I drove toward home from the site to get some sleep. I had been up for about 48 hours straight and needed some downtime. I drove up Portland Avenue and started going down the 509 freeway into Tacoma. From seemingly out of nowhere a dark green car with heavy duty (maybe bulletproof) tires moved behind
my truck and turned on the front grill red and white lights.
Of course I was alarmed and pulled over. A fine young American officer wearing an ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) uniform approached the truck from the driver's side. His partner, a striking female, stood near the tailgate with her hand on a 9 mm Glock pistol with a 20 round magazine.
Officer Smith (how interesting) asked me for ID. I gave him my passport. I also asked him why he stopped me and under what authority. He stated I was in an ICE Enforcement Zone (technically correct - I was still in the Port Area) which the Coast Guard declared some months ago.
Again I asked about why I had been stopped and Officer Smith stated it was because I had a broken light on the left side of my license plate. This is true but being just after lunch on a sunny day I did not need to use this light. My headlights were not on.
Officer Smith then asked for my driver's license, registration and insurance card which were immediately provided. Officer Smith went back to the car and put some information into the laptop computer.
Then another ICE Chevy Suburban with 4 burly men showed up and pulled behind the cruiser. Officer Smith returned and asked me to step from the vehicle. I asked why and he stated they needed to search the vehicle for their own safety. At this time I began to realize that the intent of the stop was both intimidation and a search for information. I told the Officer that I did not consent to the search but the 9mm Pistol and the burly men were enough for me to use discretion and not push the issue.
Another Chevy Suburban pulled up with tinted windows and 5 radio antennas which included cell phones and a GPS system. Four more burly guys in suits were seated inside.
They then proceeded to search my truck and valise. My valise contains all the important documents (copies) supporting our cause and also holds pictures related to the Detention Camp. They focused on these documents and pictures.
In my bag, I also had a Swiss Army knife and they insinuated that I had some sort of concealed weapon. They didn't push the issue when I again informed them that the search was illegal.
Officer Smith stated, "We will protect this country and if we have to stop you, we will." I realized that I had nothing to hide and everything in the truck and bag was perfectly legal. All of the documents had come from public records. They did not have the capability or desire to open the files on the computer disks and CD-ROMS, however.
It seemed like an hour but it was only about 20 minutes. I watched the mountains and enjoyed the sunshine. I broke out my copy of the Bill of Rights and began to read from it once again.
The Big Chevy Suburban with the black windows and room for 8 but only holding four turned out and sped away. The ICE truck then left. Officer Smith gave me back my identification documents and recommended I fix my tail light then he drove away with his partner.
I went home.
Am I afraid you may ask? Not one bit. I've been through various checkpoints in my life and most were much more severe and professional than this one. But for many the experience might be traumatic. If I had a last name like Mohammed or Garcia things would have been quite different I am sure. I need to fix that light.
So should you. Make sure your car is completely functional. Carry all the current documents. Take your passport. Know your rights if stopped.