US soldiers would never do things like that
US soldiers would never do things like that
How many war prisoners is the USA holding? 6,000? A new website is trying to track all the foreigners the USA is holding in secret prisons or not telling us about. Amnesty International is involved. T
How many war prisoners is the USA holding? 6,000? A new website is trying to track all the foreigners the USA is holding in secret prisons or not telling us about. Amnesty International is involved. There are many credible charges we are violating many International laws on treatment of war prisoners. asks and answers many questions. Some readers will be very skeptical of what this site says. But the skepticism will be based mainly on the belief that US soldiers would never do things like that. Well, that belief is being challenged today by many credible reports. I'm not in any position to suggest what is true and false. But we all need to realize that our corporate media can no longer be trusted. We need to check other news sources. This site is one of many that we should check. We need to check many sources. asks and answers many questions. Some readers will be very skeptical of what this site says. But the skepticism will be based mainly on the belief that US soldiers would never do things like that. Well, that belief is being challenged today by many credible reports. I'm not in any position to suggest what is true and false. But we all need to realize that our corporate media can no longer be trusted. We need to check other news sources. This site is one of many that we should check. We need to check many sources.