The Port has reversed itself

The Port has reversed itself

and has hired a private fueling firm for the airport, according to today’s Bham Herald. Remember a couple years ago, summer of 2001, the port terminated Alpha Aviation, saying the Port would run fueli
and has hired a private fueling firm for the airport, according to today's Bham Herald. Remember a couple years ago, summer of 2001, the port terminated Alpha Aviation, saying the Port would run fueling and increase revenues? Well it was a bust. The Port lost money - big time. Alpha Aviation had been paying the Port a monthly fee. The Port got greedy, screwed over a local business, and cost us taxpayers more lost revenue.

The Herald report today reads: "The port has privatized fueling of airplanes at Bellingham International Airport, which explains most of the lost revenue. Still, the port will save money by privatizing the service, with the bottom line at the airport expected to improve by about $80,000 because of lost expenses." Huh?

The Herald is loath to say the port lost money, so says they will 'save money' by getting out of the fueling business. The port is a big advertiser in the Herald. The port does not have to cook the books to explain away mistakes - the Herald will do it for them. The Herald should inform us how much money the Port lost on fueling these past two years. What is the story of the Port's fueling adventure? Jobs lost, people forced to other towns to learn flying, reduced service hours and lost business to Bellingham in general - this is a story that impacts Bellingham. Will it ever be reported? Honestly reported?

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The Port has reversed itself

The Port has reversed itself

and has hired a private fueling firm for the airport, according to today’s Bham Herald. Remember a couple years ago, summer of 2001, the port terminated Alpha Aviation, saying the Port would run fueli
and has hired a private fueling firm for the airport, according to today's Bham Herald. Remember a couple years ago, summer of 2001, the port terminated Alpha Aviation, saying the Port would run fueling and increase revenues? Well it was a bust. The Port lost money - big time. Alpha Aviation had been paying the Port a monthly fee. The Port got greedy, screwed over a local business, and cost us taxpayers more lost revenue.

The Herald report today reads: "The port has privatized fueling of airplanes at Bellingham International Airport, which explains most of the lost revenue. Still, the port will save money by privatizing the service, with the bottom line at the airport expected to improve by about $80,000 because of lost expenses." Huh?

The Herald is loath to say the port lost money, so says they will 'save money' by getting out of the fueling business. The port is a big advertiser in the Herald. The port does not have to cook the books to explain away mistakes - the Herald will do it for them. The Herald should inform us how much money the Port lost on fueling these past two years. What is the story of the Port's fueling adventure? Jobs lost, people forced to other towns to learn flying, reduced service hours and lost business to Bellingham in general - this is a story that impacts Bellingham. Will it ever be reported? Honestly reported?

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