has passed July and June already. It may become the 5th-highest month total of the 18-month-old war. At the current rate of killing, we will reach 1,000 by mid September.

This doesn't count the multiple number of that - 6,400 - who are wounded and will spend the rest of their lives with disabilities and scars and pain and anger and mental problems. Mental and emotional problems? We can't even count those. Tens of thousands. Wrecked families? Thousands. Just numbers to those who - having avoided service or Vietnam themselves - send our kids into the killing fields. In a country that literally is on the other side of the world.

Unverified. We are building at least 14 permanent military bases in Iraq. The official name is "enduring bases". Halliburton has the contract. We intend to stay. And hammer the rest of the Mid East into becoming our "friends". Do a Google search.

Those photos of the 205th MI that I link to on Aug 26? They are being "updated" as I watch this morning. Pages disappear and reappear as new pages. However, they are using Aug 26 as the update date - not Aug 28, which is today. The original photos had been there since Sept. 23, 2003. Now some have been removed and others put in their place. Maybe after the photo pages have been sanitized the links will go back up. Probably just destroying photos that could be evidence in court martial trials or war crimes trials. As I finish posting this, at 7:48am, all eight pages of photos have been taken off line.

9:24am - They forgot page 6 - with links to the other deleted pages.

9:28am - Page 6 deleted. Here is one of the photos from page 6. Captain Caldwell is stirring something that is burning in a half barrel. They call it "poo" on photos now deleted from the website. What is this poo that calls for an officer to burn?