Question on Violence
Question on Violence
There have been lots of political conversations in recent days on the use of violent rhetoric and lots of calls to tone down the rhetoric. It got me thinking a little bit, and I wanted to pose a question and see what other people thought. The reality is we live in a fairly violent world. Movies, TV, music and video games are all filled with violence. Generally, those forms of violence have been dismissed and explained away by saying that people understand the difference between TV and reality. Is there a difference? If we understand the difference between TV and reality, why would we not understand the difference between political rhetoric and reality. There are lots of calls to tone down the political rhetoric, but I do not remember the last time I heard a politician call for a toning down of violence on TV. In some ways the conversation seems a little misguided. Heaven forbid we had heated poltical debate, but we have no problem with someone getting shot on a TV show, something seems backwards. Again, I am not sure of the answer, but wanted to see what insights the rest of you had.
8 Comments, most recent 14 years ago