Are you a little anxious about how they’ve rushed some vaccines through at the fastest rate in human history? Maybe concerned about whether less than a year was enough time to cross all the t’s and dot all the i’s in something we’re all supposed to inject?

“So next time somebody expresses concern at the astonishing speed the vaccine trials have happened at, point out to them that ten years isn’t a good thing, it’s a bad thing. It’s not ten years because that is safe, it’s ten hard years of battling indifference, commercial imperatives, luck and red tape.”

Here is a link to a short article by Mark Toshner, the Director of Translational Biomedical Research at the University of Cambridge. He writes about the real process of vaccine approval, as someone who should actually know. It’s an engaging, easy, three-minute read to give you some context and actual facts (?!) that might ease your mind—and who doesn’t need that about now? It’s worth your time.