Medicare Advantage Open Season And YOU Are The $$$ Target

You are a target of Medicare Advantage because YOU are an income source.
Medicare Advantage Open Season And YOU Are The $$$ Target
Medicare Advantage Open Season And YOU Are The $$$ Target
Now that it is open season for Medicare Advantage (MA), the TV ads and telephone marketing calls are ramping up. Do not be fooled by these solicitations. They are not trying to provide health care for you as a supplement to Medicare, although that may happen by accident, they are there simply to make money and steal from the Medicare Trust Fund. So far, the overall theft record for these insurance companies is staggering: Medicare Advantage (MA) plans have overcharged the federal government to the tune of $612 billion since 2007—and $82 billion last year [2023] alone. If you are a worker who is paying into Medicare through payroll deductions, that is your money flying out your door and into the coffers of these insurance companies.

I invite you to read “Less Care at Higher Cost—The Medicare Advantage Paradox” on the website of the Journal of the American Medical Association. This piece provides an overview of the grand theft by MA insurers. Even doctors abhor these medical mafioso because of the enormous amount of time wasted in arguing with MA insurers about prior authorization. Hospitals, many of which are as money-grubbing as MA, don't like MA, as you can read here: Medicare (Dis)Advantage - Even Hospitals Don’t Like It.
So, before you fall for the allure of the lower costs and “freebies” of MA, please inform yourself. Information is your power over MA. Those representatives at the other end of the phone line are not your friends, they are there to SELL a product which is well beyond its sell-by date. Below, I have provided links to my most recent articles on MA. Each one, in turn, contains valuable and informative links to articles and websites that call out MA for what it is, grand theft.
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