Hannah Ordos for County Council

Hannah Ordos for County Council
Hannah Ordos for County Council
Hannah Ordos will get my “liberal” vote for County Council. And honestly, in order to win, she will need a fair number of liberal votes. Hannah is a 5th generation county resident with solid values and a good education. She has participated in local civic affairs for many years and is ready to represent us all. Hannah is running against the Democratic candidate, Jon Scanlon who announced he was going to move to Washington state to help flip elected seats. (See the screenshot of his Facebook post.) He has serious political deficiencies for Whatcom County.
We need a swing vote on the County Council and Hannah Ordos is our only chance. She will not be an automatic Republican vote. The good old conservative boys of the Republican party were surprised last May when Hannah filed for office. They did not trust her. This is good because if/when she wins, she will not be beholden to them. She is not a put up candidate; she is her own person.
I spent a couple hours talking with her over coffee and found that she knew our county and its issues very well. She was open and willing to discuss even controversial issues without hiding behind vague answers. She is not an ideologue, as is so often the case with both Democrats and Republicans these days. As an active citizen for many years, she strongly believes in greater transparency in public affairs, that our county government should be more open. For myself, as a citizen activst for decades in this county, transparency is the best cure for the many ills of our divisive political climate.
Hannah Ordos’ family has been in Whatcom County for over 100 years with roots near Sumas. She spent almost 20 years living and working in Bellingham after graduating from Western. She has followed and participated in local civic issues for years. She moved back to the Sumas area in 2020 when the pandemic hit.
On the other hand, her opponent, Jon Scanlon, is very new to Whatcom County, having arrived in 2019 because his wife got a job here. With no real ties to our area, he may leave in a few years. He’s a carpet bagger whose campaign is being managed by Lisa McShane—a Democratic Party operator who has run slick campaigns for decades. Hannah is up against a powerful machine.

In fact, if elected, Mr. Scanlon will no doubt take his voting orders directly from the Democratic Party. He may be more loyal to the Party than to our county. His career was with the U.S. State Department in other countries, not in local politics. The guy seems little more than a party hack. If flipping seats is his purpose, no thanks.
Another big concern if we elect Scanlon, is that the Democratic Party will have free reign on how the jail and children’s levies are structured. They won’t need to be transparent about their intentions—and many of us already have serious apprehensions about how those millions of levy dollars will be spent. In fact, the vaguely worded “Safety” levy on the ballot (the new jail) is from the leadership of Satpal Sidhu and Barry Buchannan. Again, not notable for its clear intent. If Scanlon is elected, the Dems will rule and won’t need to bother with transparency.
I’m liberal, but Independent, and have never belonged to the Democratic Party. I’m also a progressive and environmentalist and Hannah appeals to my sense of open mindedness, while genuinely wanting what is best for our county. Hannah is the sort of representative we all want, and I hope other liberals will join me in voting for Hannah Ordos for County Council.
Check her website - https://www.hannah4whatcom.com - and watch the video statement by her. It is less than 2 minutes. Join me in voting for Hannah Ordos.
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