Firing Up the War Machine

Dutch Rabbis protest Zionism and Israel. See Times of Israel article in links below article.
Firing Up the War Machine
Firing Up the War Machine
As former “PCO of the Year” for Whatcom Democrats (2008), I will not be voting for Genocide Joe Biden. As I listen daily to “Democracy Now!” and “Alternative Radio,” (and even recently improved reporting on NPR), regarding the slaughter of Palestinian civilians—approximately 27,000 at this point, mostly women and children—I am sickened that this is funded by my hard-earned tax money to the tune of $3.8 billion per year up until 2023, at which point another $14.5 billion was added, for a total of $18 billion (The Intercept, 12/28/23). As Biden travels to Israel and wags his finger at Netanyahu while handing him billions that could be spent on housing, education, and welfare in this or other countries, I listen to accounts of Palestinian children trying to bury their loved ones. One young man was unable to bury his mother, as her body was found in parts: legs, arms, and a head scattered about. A 6-year-old girl was screaming into the 911 line that there were six dead family members in her car, and a bulldozer was coming toward it—Amy Goodman played the tape of her last voice before she also was crushed.
I invite Genocide Joe to visit Palestine and offer to help bury the dead, as the smell of death and hungry dogs eating bodies permeate the air. A 3-month old baby was found dead under the rubble. One Palestinian journalist reported that 65 of his extended family had been killed by bombing. Then he was never heard from again. The Israeli kill machine targets journalists who reveal the ugly truth, just as they executed Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh last year. I called the White House at that time to see why we weren’t sending in the Marines to protect Palestinians. Needless to say, they didn’t give a rat’s ass. Israeli’s say they need to “occasionally mow the grass,” which means killing Palestinian children and pregnant women before they reproduce another generation of adults.
I remember at age 9, a visit from my great aunt Alice in Seattle, (1955), who posed the question, “But where are all these Palestinians supposed to go?” Good question, then as now. Only now they’re being directed to “safe spaces” where they can expect to be bombed with our U.S. death machines.
Who benefits? Companies like Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, Halliburton, and 100s of others. And of course the settler-colonialists, who have no hesitation to shoot any Palestinian on sight.

I listen to Holocaust survivors who oppose genocide; a photo of a silent line of Orthodox Jewish men in full regalia standing in Berlin with Palestinian flags while people curse at them, is one of the most moving. It brings me to tears. Rabbis who risk jail time for civil disobedience in New York and Washington D.C., many of whom travelled days by bus, are another group of selfless martyrs. Does Biden listen to any of them?
According to Jewish investigative journalist Aaron Mate, who has lived in Israel, Joe went there 40 years ago to befriend Netanyahu, and (unbelievably) told him he needed to kill more women and children. Zionism is not about religion; it’s a right-wing political ideology that is fascist in nature. The myth that Israel was created to promote freedom from oppression has been further exposed since October 7th, when they deliberately ignored warnings from their own sentinels that Hamas was coming. It was the perfect excuse to carry out “the final solution” of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian aboriginal population.
In spite of global outrage, the U.S. continues to fund this Holocaust. And so the question remains: what can we do?
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