Fairhaven Flag To Remain At Half Staff

Fairhaven Flag To Remain At Half Staff
Fairhaven Flag To Remain At Half Staff
The American flag located in front of Bellinham's Fairhaven Library has been lowered to half staff to recognize those who have died as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. We honor not only the tens of thousands of American citizens and residents we have lost, but also the losses among the first responders (police, medics and firefighters), the hospital nurses and physicians, and those providing support services to the medical community.
Surely, such a monumental catastrophe, resulting in unimaginable loss of life and livelihood, merits our recognition in a fitting manner.
The flag at half staff will also serve as a constant reminder to all of their civic duty to adhere to public health declarations and official directives in order to end this plague. The flag will be raised again to full staff at some time in the future. We know not when.
[Note: We would also like to announce the passing, on April 19th, of Bobby Atwood, decorated Vietnam Veteran and member of the original Fairhaven flag committee. Bobby’s obituary will appear on this site in a few days.]