Dementors attack the Sehome Neighborhood

Dementors attack the Sehome Neighborhood

"Sweet Jesus,” shrieked the thralls of the Sehomus Republic,

as ABC the Yochlowitz,

successor to GorgoPacificus the Destroyer,

forced them to call upon the nomadic advocatus

to loose the girdle of Apophis,

unleash Subigus the devourer, and

to swarm into the Valley of Squalicum.


There, hidden in the corrupted copse of Michael the Shepardus,

 the calcified remains of the rent body

of Rileyculus the Apologizer

will be cast into the Cementus Vomitorium,

the gloomy realm of ABC the Yochlowitz,

as the coils of Bobby the Briscus twist in endless agony

near the purifying pond of Ken the Belladonnas.

3 Comments, most recent 1 year ago

Fri Dec 8, 2023

Latinized Jabberwocky, eh?

Fri Dec 8, 2023

Just slouching towards Festivus…

Doug Karlberg · Belingham
Tue Dec 12, 2023

Ivory toweritis 

Jibberish Uranus 

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Dementors attack the Sehome Neighborhood

Dementors attack the Sehome Neighborhood

"Sweet Jesus,” shrieked the thralls of the Sehomus Republic,

as ABC the Yochlowitz,

successor to GorgoPacificus the Destroyer,

forced them to call upon the nomadic advocatus

to loose the girdle of Apophis,

unleash Subigus the devourer, and

to swarm into the Valley of Squalicum.


There, hidden in the corrupted copse of Michael the Shepardus,

 the calcified remains of the rent body

of Rileyculus the Apologizer

will be cast into the Cementus Vomitorium,

the gloomy realm of ABC the Yochlowitz,

as the coils of Bobby the Briscus twist in endless agony

near the purifying pond of Ken the Belladonnas.

3 Comments, most recent 1 year ago

Fri Dec 8, 2023

Latinized Jabberwocky, eh?

Fri Dec 8, 2023

Just slouching towards Festivus…

Doug Karlberg · Belingham
Tue Dec 12, 2023

Ivory toweritis 

Jibberish Uranus 

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