CityView Private Student Dormitory Complex Gains Conditional Approval

CityView Private Student Dormitory Complex Gains Conditional Approval
CityView Private Student Dormitory Complex Gains Conditional Approval
Its been almost three years since the private dormitory complex called CityView was presented to the Puget Neighborhood. Recently, the developer, Morgan Bartlett, (dba* Madrona Bay Real Estate Investments, LLC) has received conditional approval of his plans for a 106 bed apartment complex. It has been designed expressly to house 318 students in three bedroom/three bath apartments. Bedrooms are to be rented by separate leases. In a 39 page decision from the city's planning department, Bartlett was given approval, but it is weighted with conditions. Pages 31 to 38 of the approval document spell out those conditions, but I will leave it to the reader to parse them. Warning: It is seven dull pages of a true soporific. (I mean no offense to its authors however, whose job is to write such officialese.)
The public has 14 days to appeal this decision, which is a ridiculous and risible amount of time given the complexities. Just a glance at the entirety of the documentation behind this project would bring on heart failure in the sturdiest of attorneys (in the link, scroll down to the notice). Public comment was very robust and its effects can be seen in some portions of the conditional approval. Unfortunately, robust citizen comments did not result in project disapproval.
PDP2019-0015 DR2019-0036 CAP2019-0037 SEP2019-0039 4413 Consolidation Ave
Neighborhood(s) Puget
Project Number(s) PDP2019-0015 DR2019-0036 CAP2019-0037 SEP2019-0039
Project Street 4413 Consolidation Ave
FINAL CityView Consolidated Permit 4 19 2022.pdf
Attachment A - Application materials.pdf
Attachment A.1 - CityView Site Plan - amended 9-30-21.pdf
Attachment A.2 - Preliminary Bld Ele Floor Plans.pdf
Attachment A.3 - Height Limitation Area.pdf
Attachment B _SEP2019-0039 FINAL MDNS for Issuance 2-9-2022.pdf
Attachment B _SEP2019-0039-FINAL-SEPA-Report-for-CityView-MDNS-2-8-2022.pdf
Attachment B Ex. A SEPA Checklist 2021 03 15.pdf
Attachment B Ex. A.1 CityView Critical Areas Report.pdf
Attachment B Ex. A.10 Updated CityView Preliminary Engineering 3-4-21.pdf
Attachment B Ex. A.11 Project Engineer RFI response 3-4-21.pdf
Attachment B Ex. A.12 Parking Demand Analysis (NunesUeno, September 2021).pdf
Attachment B Ex. A.13 TIA (transpo, January 2020).pdf
Attachment B Ex. A.2 Critical Areas Mitigation Plan 1-8-20.pdf
Attachment B Ex. A.3 Geotechnical Engineering Report 3-8-21.pdf
Attachment B Ex. A.4 Preliminary Storm Report Revised March 2021.pdf
Attachment B Ex. A.5 Tree Retention Plan CityView Revised 1-25-21.pdf
Attachment B Ex. A.6 Tree Retention Plan Map 3-4-21.pdf
Attachment B Ex. A.7 Landscape Plan Buffer 3-4-21.pdf
Attachment B Ex. A.8 Landscape Plan with Lighting Plan 3-4-21.pdf
Attachment B Ex. A.9 CityView Grading Plans with Trail Plan 3-4-21.pdf
Attachment B Ex. B - PDP2019-0015 - 8 10 2019 NOIA.pdf
Attachment B Ex. C PDP2019-0015- Complete App 3-9-2020.pdf
Attachment B Ex. D PDP2019-0015 - Type I and II N O App 4 24 2020.pdf
Attachment B Ex. E Public Comments.pdf
Attachment B Ex. F PDP2019-0015 - 7 6 2020 RFI Final.pdf
Attachment B Ex. G 3 12 2021 Response to Public Comment.pdf
Attachment B Ex. H PC recommendation 2021-06-03.pdf
Attachment B Ex. I PDP2019-0015 - 6 24 2021 RFI Final w Atts.pdf
Attachment B Ex. J CityView Site Plan - amended 9-30-21.pdf
Attachment C - Zoning and Land Use.pdf
Attachment D - Cedar Ridge Preliminary Plat Approval Res 19-94.pdf
Attachment E - Cedar Ridge Div 2 Final Plat Res 2002-24.pdf
Attachment F - Cedar Ridge Division 2 Final Plat.PDF
Attachment G - Time Extensions Nov Dec 2019.pdf
Attachment H - TIme Extension October 2020.pdf
Attachment I - Planning Commission Public Meeting.pdf
Attachment J - Public Comment RE SEPA MDNS.pdf
Attachment J.1 Public Comment received after Feb 23, 2022.pdf
Attachment K - Density Bonus Request, May 11, 2020.pdf
Just to be clear and explicit: to merely FILE an appeal requires a non-reimbursable $1,500 payment, upon which citizens can then procure an attorney for 500 smackers an hour. How is that for government “for the people”? A small neighborhood working group of Puget and Samish residents will meet to discuss possible action given the time line available. Rest assured, I will keep you updated.
*doing business as
6 Comments, most recent 2 years ago