Citizens need initiative

Citizens need initiative

Initiative 872 will allow us citizens to vote to have a ‘Top 2’ primary election process. The ‘Peoples Choice’ initiative is now launched by the Washington State Grange. You can order petitions at the
Initiative 872 will allow us citizens to vote to have a 'Top 2' primary election process. The 'Peoples Choice' initiative is now launched by the Washington State Grange. You can order petitions at the special website -

Did you know our Public Disclosure laws were the result of an initiative process? Yes, our legislators were too afraid to allow us to gain access to our public records. It took action by citizens. That was 30 years ago.

This year our legislators - Republican and Democrat, liberal and conservative - were too afraid to preserve our open and independent primary election process. They caved in to the political party bosses who want to control who we elect. Again we citizens need to take the initiative. If we value democracy then we will act to reform our primary election process. Please join me in getting petitions and signatures to qualify this initiative for next November's vote.

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Citizens need initiative

Citizens need initiative

Initiative 872 will allow us citizens to vote to have a ‘Top 2’ primary election process. The ‘Peoples Choice’ initiative is now launched by the Washington State Grange. You can order petitions at the
Initiative 872 will allow us citizens to vote to have a 'Top 2' primary election process. The 'Peoples Choice' initiative is now launched by the Washington State Grange. You can order petitions at the special website -

Did you know our Public Disclosure laws were the result of an initiative process? Yes, our legislators were too afraid to allow us to gain access to our public records. It took action by citizens. That was 30 years ago.

This year our legislators - Republican and Democrat, liberal and conservative - were too afraid to preserve our open and independent primary election process. They caved in to the political party bosses who want to control who we elect. Again we citizens need to take the initiative. If we value democracy then we will act to reform our primary election process. Please join me in getting petitions and signatures to qualify this initiative for next November's vote.

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