Candidate Statement: Doug Chadwick for Whatcom County Sheriff

Candidate Statement: Doug Chadwick for Whatcom County Sheriff
Candidate Statement: Doug Chadwick for Whatcom County Sheriff
Doug Chadwick, a 29-year veteran of the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO), is running for Whatcom County Sheriff with an emphasis on providing safety for communities, first responders and those in custody.
Chadwick has served as Undersheriff, second in command to Sheriff Bill Elfo, since 2019. Elfo, who is retiring in January, endorses Chadwick for the position. Other endorsements across the political spectrum include every Whatcom County sheriff since 1971, Northwest Washington Central Labor Council, two-term former County Executive Jack Louws, longtime county Prosecuting Attorney Dave McEachran, Teamsters Local 231 and the Whatcom County Association of Realtors.
“As Sheriff, I would enhance programs, such as behavioral health deputies, that focus on assisting persons in crisis to address the root cause of crime, to keep them from entering the criminal justice system,” Chadwick said. “I would continue to support other diversion programs that reduce incarceration and recidivism.”
Chadwick, a Whatcom County native, graduated from Mount Baker Senior High School and Western Washington University. He joined the Sheriff’s Office in 1994 and has held every rank within the WCSO as well as numerous specialty positions. He is well-versed in all department responsibilities, including corrections, emergency management and search and rescue.
“The Sheriff’s Office handles much more than a small-town police department and I’m ready for this job on Day 1,” Chadwick said. “I’m proud to work with the more than 200 dedicated employees and many emergency volunteers in serving Whatcom County’s 228,000-plus residents. We’re responsible for covering over 2,500 square miles on land and water.
“From Point Roberts to Mount Baker to Lake Samish, our jurisdiction covers a geographically and culturally diverse area larger than the state of Delaware. I’m committed to keeping our community a safe place for all residents.”
“The responsibilities of Whatcom County Sheriff are extensive and complex, coming with a $41 million annual budget that demands efficiency and high performance. I’m ready to ensure a seamless transition after Sheriff Elfo’s retirement, preserve public safety, and make improvements to meet our community’s ever-evolving needs and expectations.”
Chadwick and his wife, Lara, have been married for 20 years. His daughter, Alyssa, attends Whatcom Community College, where she has applied for the nursing program. His son, Derek, is a junior at Mount Baker Senior High School.
“Throughout my life, I’ve worked in all four corners of Whatcom County – on farms, in berry processing, retail and hospitality. My mother was a teacher in the Mount Baker school district for 35 years. My father worked for the Whatcom County Parks Department for 25 years.”
Chadwick supports a number of the proposals that may help people interacting with the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office.
“We’ll focus on the intersection between law enforcement and the delivery of community-based services to help those in crisis. This includes our Behavioral Health Deputy and Co-Responder programs, which partner a behavioral health specialist with a deputy to provide crisis services to people where they are. I’d continue to support other diversion programs that reduce incarceration and recidivism, including Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion and the Crisis Stabilization Center.
“I’d work with the Health Department and corrections medical staff to provide 24/7 medical, mental health and substance use disorder services within both the main jail and the Work Center.
“Funding from the County Council and state Legislature could provide navigators to assist those being released from jail with temporary housing and connections to treatment and other service providers.”
“Nothing is more important to me than keeping our community safe and continuing my service to the citizens of Whatcom County,” Chadwick said.
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Editor note: Each candidate for elective public office in Whatcom County is invited to submit a statement for posting on NW Citizen. For specifics, click here.