Brett Bonner has announced

Brett Bonner has announced

he will run for Mayor of Bellingham. He has resigned his news job at a local radio station. At the end of his last broadcast this morning, the station ran his paid political ad. There will be a cam
he will run for Mayor of Bellingham. He has resigned his news job at a local radio station. At the end of his last broadcast this morning, the station ran his paid political ad. There will be a campaign kickoff reception this afternoon from 5 to 7 pm at the Mt. Baker Theatre Encore Room. All those wishing to support Brett are welcome. The Encore Room entrance is around the corner from the box office, behind the Pacific Cafe on Champion St.

Brett has, imho, an excellent chance of beating Mark Asmundson this fall. Brett is knowledgeable of the issues, able to explain his views and has a very good head on his shoulders. Of the announced candidates, he has my endorsement.

His website will be - but is not up yet. I will post all candidate website links under the flag on this page.

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Brett Bonner has announced

Brett Bonner has announced

he will run for Mayor of Bellingham. He has resigned his news job at a local radio station. At the end of his last broadcast this morning, the station ran his paid political ad. There will be a cam
he will run for Mayor of Bellingham. He has resigned his news job at a local radio station. At the end of his last broadcast this morning, the station ran his paid political ad. There will be a campaign kickoff reception this afternoon from 5 to 7 pm at the Mt. Baker Theatre Encore Room. All those wishing to support Brett are welcome. The Encore Room entrance is around the corner from the box office, behind the Pacific Cafe on Champion St.

Brett has, imho, an excellent chance of beating Mark Asmundson this fall. Brett is knowledgeable of the issues, able to explain his views and has a very good head on his shoulders. Of the announced candidates, he has my endorsement.

His website will be - but is not up yet. I will post all candidate website links under the flag on this page.

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