Bellingham Bells - Stop The Fireworks

Bellingham Bells - Stop The Fireworks
Bellingham Bells - Stop The Fireworks
Several years ago the Bellingham City Council banned the possession or use of consumer fireworks within the city limits (BMC 10.24.130). The ban was the result of a citizen push led by the late Clay Butler who pointed out the dangers of consumer fireworks, not only to individuals but to the environment and wildlife. Unfortunately, the city exempted certain firework displays that are deemed “authorized” under an application to and approval by the city, although the negative effects of fireworks are present whether the display is authorized or not.
That is the reason I call on the Bellingham Bells to cease their fireworks displays. The negative effects of these displays are not erased because of an approval by the city. Wildlife is traumatized by the explosions and flashes of light. Pet owners will speak of dogs and cats that cringe in fright under beds or run off crazed into the streets, wildly seeking refuge from the noise. Lastly, the very combat veterans (many suffering from post-traumatic stress) whom the Bells seek to honor at their game on July 19th - “Salute to Service - honoring past and current members of the US military” - can be severely affected by what is effectively a reproduction of the sights, sounds and smells of the battlefield.
Celebratory fireworks of any kind are unnecessary, dangerous (even professionals are killed and injured) and counter-productive. They are used at the expense of the well-being of others be they animals or humans.
3 Comments, most recent 7 years ago