Ban All Firearms

Meeting of gun control advocates
Ban All Firearms
Ban All Firearms
I am not the only person in the U.S. who is proposing a ban of ALL firearms. Unfortunately, there are not enough of us yet to make it happen. (See a few articles at RELATED LINKS below.) Along with a ban must be a repeal of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Impossible goal, you say? Yes, if those who think a total ban is necessary don't speak up.
Sadly, many of those who are talking about gun "control," are talking the oxymoronic talk of “responsible gun ownership” or “sensible gun laws” or “common sense firearms legislation.” There are no such things! A device to propel a blob of metal at 5,000+ feet per second is, by design and purpose, lethal. It is the very nature of the object, a gun. The manufacture and possession of firearms should be unequivocally and forever illegal, except for the military and police (and I am not too sure about some of the police).

Of the organizations in the U.S. that urge various curbs on gun sales and use, 99.9% are, quite frankly, muddying the waters and nibbling about the edges of the problem, which is purely and simply gun ownership. With these groups we get lost in a fog of rhetoric from various well-meaning or even divisive “sides” to the issue. Like Alexander, we must slice through the Gordian Knot of firearm possession and end the discussion for good. Ban 'em all!
I posit that the mere possession of a firearm creates an immediate transformation of the mindset of the bearer, and therein lies an inherent, inescapable danger. I can tell you from personal experience that carrying a gun of any sort while I was in Vietnam placed me in a totally different relationship with my surroundings, that is, one of power over all else. You feel the power when you pick the weapon up. The feeling is immediate and inescapable. With one exception, I have not touched a gun since October 1969 when I departed Vietnam. That incident occurred in Los Angeles while riding with a friend who was an FBI agent. He asked me to retrieve something from the glove compartment and when I opened it, a fully loaded .357 magnum revolver fell out, hitting my foot. Luckily it did not discharge but I had a bruised foot for weeks. It was a good lesson about accidents with guns.
Such a total ban may take decades to implement--this is not my first parade. A ban would induce a cultural tsunami, but a necessary one if America wants to consider itself civilized--and survive through the 21st Century and beyond.
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