An Obligation to Speak Up
An Obligation to Speak Up
I would like to talk about sensible gun laws. Mathew McConaughey has addressed this very issue to our federal lawmakers, asking them to honor their moral obligations instead of party affiliations. We all want gun laws that make sense and make it very difficult for sick people to obtain military style assault weapons. Current laws are putting responsible gun owners in a very very bad light.
This is not about the Second Amendment
This is not about taking guns away from people,
This is not about asking people not to have safety measures for themselves or their families.
Congress must appreciate the difference between "gun control” and “gun responsibility” in the wake of the gruesome mass shootings over the past two decades. As an elected official, I have taken an oath to defend the United States Constitution. The Second Amendment is part of the U.S. Constitution, and I respect that.
We all know that overwhelming majorities, 89%, of all citizens—Republicans, or Independents or Democrats—support sensible gun control laws that would severely restrict mentally ill people from buying or obtaining guns by any means. I also believe that the County Council and I, as elected officials, have an obligation to speak up for the safety of our children and against senseless violence in our society. This is not freedom that we love, this is anarchy.
I don’t think our founding fathers could have imagined a scenario like this from the simple phrases, “right to bear arms” and “well-regulated militia.” We must hold every citizen accountable for the underlying responsibilities of owning a gun. And such intent must be honored by all lawmakers whether at local, state, or federal levels. We must enact sensible gun control laws.
I intend to bring a resolution to this effect to the council in coming weeks.
5 Comments, most recent 2 years ago