All Remaining ABC Scrap Metal Is On Ship
All Remaining ABC Scrap Metal Is On Ship
Breaking news. Good news. All the remaining scrap metal on the Port of Bellingham's dock has been loaded on the last ship. It will sail soon, if it has not already left. No more scrap metal recycling on our downtown waterfront. There will be no frantic trucking of the remaining metal through our city streets. This is all confirmed by Riley Sweeney.
ABC recycling has until October to fully vacate our waterfront - remove their equipment and vacate their office and such. But the late night noise and the metallic dust with possible toxins drifting over our downtown and residential neighborhoods is now behind us. Whew.
Has the Port of Bellingham learned a lesson? I very much doubt that. The Port has a habit going back decades of making bone headed decisions. We seriously need to increase our 3 member commission to 5 members and give common sense a chance to participate. Right now, one commissioner with a looney idea only needs to convince or bully one other commissioner and the deed is done. Or it might be the Executive Director who has the looney idea and the commissioners are afraid to deny him his fantasy. No hearings, not public notification of pending decision, no procedures. Call a meeting with 24 hour notice, two votes for the action, close the meeting within minutes and that is it. Absurd way to run a county taxed government agency. We should stop blaming ABC and focus on the Port.
One more tidbit. The ship with the last load of scrap metal is sailing to Bangladesh - yep half way around the world to the country near India.
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